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About VIEW-hub

An online, interactive, map-based platform for visualizing data on vaccine introduction and use

What is VIEW-hub?

VIEW-hub is an open-access data visualization tool that displays data on vaccine introduction, use, coverage, access, impact, and disease burden for nine vaccines: the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, the rotavirus vaccine, the Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine, the inactivated polio vaccine, the human papillomavirus vaccine, the typhoid vaccine, the measles-containing vaccine (second-dose), the measles-rubella vaccine, and vaccines for COVID-19. The module for COVID-19 also tracks vaccine effectiveness, efficacy, impact, neutralization, and safety studies.

For the nine vaccine modules currently included, we track a range of data points, including:

  • Introduction and use
    • Introduction status: introduced, planning to introduce, no decision
    • Date of introduction
    • Program type: universal, subnational, at-risk populations only
    • Vaccine product (manufacturer)
    • Dosing schedule
    • Distribution strategy (for HPV only)
    • Access (country population x coverage, displayed by country)
    • Number of children without access to the vaccine
  • Coverage
    • WUENIC coverage rates
    • Official country-reported coverage
    • Number of children vaccinated
    • Number of children unvaccinated
  • Disease burden (currently for S. pneumoniae, H. influenzae type b, typhoid, and measles)
    • Number of cases
    • Number of deaths

The data is displayed at the global level for each vaccine in maps and tables. At the country level, a dashboard displays the data and charts display time series data. Every country (194 countries total) has a dedicated page with country-specific information, including a vaccine overview, impact studies for the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine and rotavirus vaccine, economic burden data, and disease burden data. The vaccine overview includes vaccine introduction status, when the vaccines were introduced, program type, dosing schedule, product, and latest vaccine coverage rates for the vaccines tracked on VIEW-hub.

In addition to the vaccine modules, VIEW-hub houses various vaccine resources. These include the COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness Results Summary Table and Dataset (updated weekly), which provide detailed summaries of the latest scientific literature examining the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccination, as well as the VIEW-hub Report on Global Vaccine Introduction and Implementation (updated quarterly), which captures recent changes in introduction status and use for the vaccines monitored on VIEW-hub.

VIEW-hub also includes Topic Pages, which highlight other vaccine-related data and data visualizations that are not necessarily antigen-specific.

All data on VIEW-hub are available for download.

History of VIEW-hub

VIEW-hub was launched in March 2016 and has become a go-to resource for researchers, global decision makers and funders, policymakers, and advocates looking for up-to-date and reliable information on vaccine introduction, use, coverage, access, disease burden, and health and economic impact. From 2016 to 2023, VIEW-hub has grown from four to nine vaccine modules.

How is VIEW-hub updated?

Data presented on VIEW-hub are regularly updated based on the frequency of data release or data availability. Targeted searches for new vaccine introduction data are conducted monthly and a full data audit is conducted quarterly. Immunization experts are routinely consulted about new updates or for verification of data. WHO and Gavi are the primary data sources.

More information on the VIEW-hub data collection and data update process can be found in our methods.